First Position (2013)
Summary: First Position is a documentary that follows six young dancers from around the world as they prepare for the Youth America Grand Prix, one of the most prestigious ballet competitions in the world. With unprecedented (and exclusive) access to the Youth America Grand Prix, the largest competition that awards full scholarships to top ballet schools, First Position takes audiences on a yearlong journey around the world and reveals the struggles and success, the pain and extraordinary beauty of an art form so many children across the globe are determined to dedicate their lives to…despite the odds against them.
Year: 2013
Australian Cinema Release Date: 11th April, 2013
Australian DVD Release Date: TBA
Country: USA
Director: Bess Kargman
Screenwriter: Aran Bell, Rebecca Houseknecht, Joan Sebastian
Cast: Miki Akuta (herself), Ashley Baszto (herself), Aleandra Bell (herself), Aran Bell (himself), Michelle Bell (herself), Ryan Bell (himself), Nadine Bommer (herself), Jacqueline Callahan (herself), Ka’imi Cambern (herself), Franco de Vita (himself), Claudia Dean (herself), Charles DePrince (himself), Elaine DePrince (herself), Mia DePrince (herself), Michaela DePrince (herself), Maddalena Di Giacomo (herself), Juliet Doherty (herself), Brian Dunn (himself), Danielle Dunn (herself), Derek Dunn (himself), Vicki Dunn (herself), Svetlana Dvorkin (herself), Emily Entingh (herself), Jules Jarvis Fogarty (himself), Mat Fogarty (himself), Miko Fogarty (herself), Satoko Fogarty (herself), Denys Ganio (himself), Sergey Gordeev (himself), John Robert Gosnell (himself), Jenna Graves (herself), Travis Halsey (himself), Kee-Juan Han (himself), Evelyn Hart (herself), Esteban Hernandez (himself), Deborah Hess (herself), Anne-Maria Holmes (herself), David Houseknecht (himself), Rebecca Houseknecht (herself), Wendy Houseknecht (herself), Claudio Hurtado (herself), Susan Jaffe (herself), Viktor Kabaniaev (himself), Jeanetts Kakareka (herself), Rosaline Kassel (herself), Shelley Kelly (herself), Nathaniel King (himself), Olga Kresin (herself), Dmitri Kulev (himself), Michelle Lees (herself), Raymond Lukens (himself), Luca Masala (himself), Tadeusz Matacz (himself), Jonathan Mendez (himself), Brooks Miller (herself), Arata Miyagawa (himself), Ron Nilson (himself), Hannah O’Neil (herself), Elisabeth Platel (herself), Shelly Power (herself), Alejandro Prierto (himself), Guido Arturo Prierto (himself), Mariaelena Ruiz (herself), Nadal Safi (himself), Flavio Salazar (himself), Larissa Saveliev (herself), Gabe Shayer (himself), Alys Shee (herself), Chiu Shee (himself), Melanie Shee (herself), Beckanne Sisk (herself), Adam Skulte (himself), Bo Spassoff (himself), Stephanie Spassoff (herself), Gailene Stock (herself), Kazuko Sugihara (herself), Mikhail Tchouparkov (himself), Zhao Wan Ting (himself), Anastasia Torba (herself), Juan Miguel Fernandez Vera (himself), John Viren (himself), Victoria-Rose Viren (herself), Edo Wijen (himself), Gaya Bommer Yemini (herself), Ziv Yemini (himself), Sam Zalvidar (himself), Joan Sebastian Zamora (himself)
Runtime: 90 mins
Dave Griffiths’s ‘First Position’ Review: Please check episode #027 of our The Good The Bad The Ugly Film Show Podcast to hear our review of ‘First Position’.
Other Subculture Media Reviews of ‘First Position′: Nil.
Rating: TBA