[MUSIC INTERVIEW] CIANALAS – Far Beyond Healing Interview

The roots of Cianalas go back to times over 20 years ago, when Stephan and Markus played in different bands but shared the same basement for their rehearsal rooms. Stephan was part of a band called “Meridian” while Markus shouted for “Behind The Gate” and started “The Course Is Black” after “Behind The Gate” broke up.

When he left “The Course Is Black” he was part of a band called “The Lemongrass Principle” but the band didn’t last long either.

Although their bands split up (or kept on going without them), Metal always stayed a part of their lifes. Stephan moved from Germany to Switzerland and after years started writing on new songs. In search for a singer for one special song he called Markus and asked if he would like to join his project. Markus was facing some tough times at that moment and the song Stephan sent him just hit him like a hammer and he was in at once.

The Song was called “Far Beyond Healing” and started a musical journey where two pretty differnt characters joined forces and built a new musical home with roots that grow deep.

This week Dave Griffiths sat down for a chat with Cianalas about their brand new Far Beyond Healing album.

You can take a listen to the interview right here: