Over the past weekend, Australian Indie film ‘Occupation: Rainfall’ enjoyed a top 10 position in North America across VOD and home release platforms. Distributed in America by Saban Films, the dystopian sci-fi is set for global distribution including the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Middle East, Scandinavia, South Korea, Taiwan, Spain and Vietnam.
With VFX done by the same team behind Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Blade Runner 2049, Luke Sparke’s Occupation: Rainfall delivers a thrilling sci-fi epic that is firmly set to impress audiences all over the world. Starring Ken Jeong, Temuera Morrison, Daniel Gillies and Jason Isaacs and directed and written by Luke Sparke, produced by mother and daughter team Carly & Carmel Imrie (Occupation, Red Billabong) and co-executive producer Todd Williams (The Nun, Alex and Me), the action packed film showcases the scenic hills of Australia’s Blue Mountains to the war-torn streets of Sydney.
Leading entertainment review website, Flickering Myth claims, “It’s War of the Worlds meets Terminator: Salvation spliced with Guardians of the Galaxy…..if you want a science fiction action film then this delivers”.
Occupation: Rainfall will have its home release in Australia through Umbrella Entertainment and Monster Pictures on June 16. The film will be available on Blu-Ray (featuring audio commentary tracks and deleted scenes), DVD, Foxtel Store, iTunes, Google Play and more. The UK release in cinemas and on demand is July 9 by Signature Entertainment. The Europe and Asian markets will then follow.
With three years in production, Occupation: Rainfall features over 1,500 special effects, and stars a brilliant multicultural ensemble cast of Australian and international talent. Due to its international success, a sequel, ‘Rainfall: Chapter 2’, is in active development, with the script completed and international casting already commenced.