Wyrmwood: Apocalypse is a post-apocalyptic zombie film that follows soldier Rhys who lives in a zombie-infested Australian wasteland. Rhys is on an arc of redemption as he turns against his evil bosses and joins forces with a group of rebel survivors to help rescue a girl who holds the cure to the virus. The film which has been hailed as ‘Mad Max meets Dawn Of the Dead’ – has picked up an audience award at the 2021 Sydney Film Festival for Best Feature Film.
Release Date: In Cinemas February 10
Duration: 88 minutes
Classification: MA 15+| Consumer Advice: Strong horror violence, blood and gore and coarse language.
Thanks to our good friends at StudioCanal we have ten double passes so if you would like to try and win one go to our Facebook Page, like it and private message us and tell us why you would like to win tickets to Wyrmwod: Apocalypse.