liveconformdie‘s previous single ‘Terrorwave’ was very much a statement in and of itself – the band themselves stating essentially: “There is honestly no deeper meaning about the track…This is Terrorwave.

Not so much the case with their new single ‘Help Yourself’. It’s out on Friday April 8 and can be pre-saved here.

This one hits hard – and they want it to! They have put a personal touch on the new single, hitting on some dark struggles, self-reflection and growth that vocalist Troy Van Der Meer has dealt with over the past few years.

Van Der Meer recounts “At the end of recording Circa ’94 in mid-2018, I was the happiest and most mentally stable I’d ever been in my whole life. I felt accomplished and grounded with music, I had great friends and a new love in recreational ice hockey that kept me in some semblance of a routine and sanity.

Fast forward to the end of 2019 and I felt like a shell of who I was, mistrust in a lot of people around me and deep painful hurt towards people who once passionately told me they loved me.

I always did my best to suppress my emotions and save face, purposely keeping myself busy with work or hobbies whenever I could. Inevitably though, it boils to the surface, in one way or another and I sent myself down a slippery slope of abusing substances, promiscuity and general danger seeking toxic behaviour.

A bit ironic – but breaking my ankle in 2020 was one of the best things to happen to this version of me. It forced me to stop and slow down. It forced me to truly answer the questions I’d be running away from and drowning out with these bad habits.

This song is the culmination of going down that dark path, finally facing the memories that you’ve twisted, contorted and over-analysed for months on end. It’s about finally coming to terms with the fact that even people who tell you they love you, can turn on you, tear you down and try to convince you that you’re the problem. It’s about moving on and not being stuck in someone else’s game. It’s about helping yourself. Even if that means treading water in the deep end for a little while.

If you haven’t come across “liveconformdie” (AKA Conform) yet – what ARE you doing? They formed in late 2015: a righteous blend of genres, drawing inspiration from the roots of modern metal and 90’s/00’s nü-metal – and from inception, have always been in tune with a very niche aesthetic, musically and visually. Visual artistry is just as important to liveconformdie as the music.

That DIY ethic extends to the music – everything is written and produced in house at Jez’s studio. They have an authentic, no BS attitude. They don’t give a fuck about gate-keeping. They believe in putting out music that’s true to them and their values.

Their many influences include Slipknot, Korn, Limp Bizkit, System of a Down, $uicideboy$, Nirvana, Royal Blood and Brockhampton and have played alongside national and international heavyweights such as Thy Art is Murder, Chelsea Grin, Born of Osiris, The Amity Affliction, Being as an Ocean, Protest the Hero, Make Them Suffer, Polaris, Saviour, Ocean Grove and more.

In November 2021, they released “Terrorwave” which went absolutely wild. It received such a hectic response from so many all over the globe. liveconformdie put an exceptional twist on “Terrorwave”, branching into hard bass, DJ scratching, flavour-filled hardcore, quirky rap and Eastern European mob themes. Notably, scoring them an interview with Slipknot’s music page “Knotfest”.

Now with over 6 million total streams on Spotify alone, liveconformdie are looking forward to levelling up again with their new single “Help Yourself” and a second yet-to-be-announced EP which they have been writing and polishing up since the start of the COVID-ridden lockdowns of 2020.

liveconformdie can’t wait to tour at the end of 2022. Maybe. Possibly. Fingers crossed. ‘Help Yourself’ is out on Friday April 8 and can be pre-saved here.