Summary: Growing up in post-World War II era Arizona, young Sammy Fabelman aspires to become a filmmaker as he reaches adolescence, but soon discovers a shattering family secret and explores how the power of films can help him see the truth.
Year: 2023
Cinema Release Dates: 5th January 2023 (Australia), 2nd February 2023 (Thailand), 27th January 2023 (UK), 23rd November 2022 (USA)
VOD Release Dates: TBA
Country: USA
Director: Steven Spielberg
Screenwriter: Steven Spielberg, Tony Kushner
Cast: Robin Bartlett (Tina Schildkraut), Gabriel Bateman (Roger), Jeannie Berlin (Hadassah Fabelman), Birdie Borria (Younger Natalie Fabelman), Alina Brace (Younger Natalie Fabelman), Julia Butters (Reggie Fabelman), Nicolas Cantu (Hark), Paul Dano (Burt Fabelman), Cooper Dodson (Turkey), Chloe East (Monica Sherwood), Kalama Epstein (Barry), Gustavo Escobar (Sal), Lane Factor (Dean), Oakes Fegley (Chad Thomas), Greg Grunberg (Bernie Fein), Judd Hirsch (Uncle Boris), Jan Hoag (Nona), Keeley Karsten (Natalie Fabelman), Sophia Kopera (Lisa Fabelman), Isabelle Kusman (Claudia Denning), Gabrielle LaBelle (Sammy Fabelman), Chandler Laovelle (Renee), David Lynch (John Ford), Brinley Marum (Janet Benedict), Sam Rechner (Logan Hall), Seth Rogen (Bennie Loewy), Stephen Matthew Smith (Angelo), Connor Trinneer (Phil Newhart), Michelle Williams (Mitzi Fabelman), Mateo Zoryan (Younger Sammy Fabelman)
Running Time: 151 mins
Classification: M (Australia), TBC (Thailand), 12-A (UK), PG-13 (USA)
David Griffiths and Kyle McGrath’s The Fabelmans Review:
Dave’s rating Out Of 5

Kyle’s rating Out Of 5

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