The Paperboy (2013)
Summary: Jack Jansen (Zach Efron) welcomes his brother Ward (Matthew McConaughey) home after a long absence. Accompanied by his British writing partner Yardley (David Oyelowo), Ward is intrigued by the plight of Charlotte Bless (Nicole Kidman in her wild Golden Globe nominated role) and a prisoner she swears is innocent: Hilary Van Wetter (John Cusack). Hoping to uncover a miscarriage of justice, Ward and Yardley become tangled in the sweaty, sun-drenched web spun by their subjects while Jack finds himself increasingly obsessed with the flirtatious Charlotte.
Year: 2013
Australian Cinema Release Date: 28th February, 2013
Australian DVD Release Date: TBA
Country: United States
Director: Lee Daniels
Screenwriter: Lee Daniels, Peter Dexter
Cast: Camille Balsamo (Pam), Ned Bellamy (Tyree Van Wetter), Ava Bogle (Renee), Johnny Carson (himself), Gary Clarke (Weldon Pine), John Cusack (Hillary Van Wetter), Zac Efron (Jack Jansen), John P. Fertitta (Sam Ellison), Scott Glenn (W.W. Jansen), Nealla Gordon (Ellen Guthrie), Macy Gray (Anita Chester), Danny Hanemann (Sheriff Thurmond Call), Leslie Hippensteel (Kim), Nicole Kidman (Charlotte Bless), Corrina Lyons (Cousin Alice), Matthew McConaughey (Ward Jansen), Nikolette Noel (Nancy), Jay Oliver (Mr. Guthrie), David Oyelowo (Yardley Acheman), Adam Sibley (Eugene), Robyn Sprehe (Miss Betty), Katarzyna Wolejinio (Jennifer)
Runtime: 108 mins
Dave Griffiths’s ‘The Paperboy’ Review: Please check Dave’s review of ‘The Paperboy’ that is available on the Helium Entertainment Channel.
Other Subculture Media Reviews of ‘The Paperboy′: Check Episode #22 of our The Good The Bad The Ugly Podcast for a more in-depth review of ‘The Paperboy’.
Rating: 4.5/5