The Gatekeepers (2013)

The Gatekeepers

Summary: Israel’s crushing victory over its neighbours during the Six Day War in 1967 left it in control of a vast, hostile population living under Occupation. Dealing with that population—in times of calm and times of violent uprising—was the responsibility of Israel’s secret service agency, Shin Bet. The Gatekeepers offers a riveting and intimate insight into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict told by the six former heads of Shin Bet. In a style reminiscent of The Fog of War, their confessions of torture and terrorism, arrests and assassinations are illustrated with archival footage and chilling animations. These offer a window into the moral dilemmas they faced as they unfolded. The citizens they swore to protect against terrorism may have been safer as a result of their actions, but was the country any closer to peace? Theirs is the ultimate cautionary tale of what happens to people and nations alike when they try to answer violence with violence.

Year: 2012

Australian Cinema Release Date: 5th September, 2013

Australian DVD Release Date: TBA

Country: Israel, France, Germany, Belgium

Director: Dror Moreh

Screenwriter: Ami Ayalon, Avi Dichter, Yuval Diskin, Carmi Gillon, Yaakov Peri, Avraham Shalom

Cast: Ami Ayalon (himself), Avi Dichter (himself), Yuval Diskin (himself), Carmi Gillon (himself), Yaakov Peri (himself), Avraham Shalom (himself)

Runtime: 101 mins



Greg King: Stars(2.5)

Please check Greg’s review of ‘The Gatekeepers’ that is available on

Nick Gardener: Stars(3.5)

Please check Nick’s review of ‘The Gatekeepers’ that is available on The Good The Bad The Ugly Film Show Ep 48

Average Subculture Rating (out of 5): Stars(3)

IMDB Rating:  The Gatekeepers (2012) on IMDb

Other Subculture Media Reviews of ‘The Gatekeepers′: Please check The Good The Bad The Ugly Film Show Ep 48 for our in-depth review of ‘The Gatekeepers.’
