Summary: Robert McCall finds himself at home in Southern Italy but he discovers his friends are under the control of local crime bosses. As events turn deadly, McCall knows what he has to do: become his friends’ protector by taking on the mafia.

Year: 2023

Cinema Release Dates:  31st August 2023 (Australia), 14th September 2023 (Thailand), 30th August 2023 (UK), 1st September 2023 (USA)

VOD Release Dates: TBA

Country: USA

Director: Antoine Fuqua

Screenwriter: Richard Wenk

Cast: Sonia Ben Ammar (Chiara Bonucci), Bruno Bilotta (Lorenzo Vitale), David Denman (Frank Conroy), Andrea Dodero (Marco Quaranta), Dakota Fanning (Emma Collins), Remo Girone (Enzo Arisio), Zakaria Hamza (Khalid), Dea Lanzaro (Gabriella Bonucci), Melissa Leo (Susan Plummer), Adolfo Margiotta (Chief Barella), Eugenio Mastrandra (Gio Bonucci), Danielle Perrone (Angelo), Alessandro Pess (Viking), Andrea Scarduzio (Vincent Quaranta), Gaia Scodellaro (Aminah), Niccolo Seni (Stefano), Manuela Tasciotti (Carmela), Denzel Washington (Robert McCall)

Running Time: 109 mins

Classification: MA15+ (Australia), TBC (Thailand), 15 (UK), R (USA)


David Griffiths, Harley Woods, Kyle McGrath and Lee Griffiths’ The Equalizer 3 Review

David’s rating Out Of 5

Harley’s rating Out Of 5

Kyle’s rating Out Of 5

Lee’s rating Out Of 5

Alex First’s The Equalizer 3 Review

The Camorra is in the sights of mysterious former government operative Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) in the violent, action filled The Equalizer 3.

The third and final film in the trilogy, you can watch this one in isolation and make sense of it even if you haven’t seen the others.

It is directed by Antoine Fuqua, who has now worked with Washington five times, including on the first two Equalizer movies (in 2014 and 2018).

Also back on the writing front is Richard Wenk (who penned The Equalizer and The Equalizer 2).

McCall is a man who life has been defined by violence, but he wants to put that behind him after finishing a really nasty job in Sicily.

He leaves quite a mess, with bodies lying everywhere and yet without a mark on his frame, but upon exiting he is badly wounded from an unexpected source.

Despite that, he drives away … until he collapses.

He is effectively saved by the quick actions of police chief Giorgio Bonucci (Eugenio Mastrandrea).

Bunucci immediately transports him to well-regarded and diplomatic doctor Enzo Arisio (Remo Girone), who knows not to ask too many questions.

Recovery then is in a small, picturesque seaside town on the Amalfi coast, which McCall quickly takes a shine to.

Only it turns out to be anything but peaceful, as a Mafia offshoot is strongarming the locals, including a fish monger and the chief of police.

As the violence escalates, try as he does, McCall can’t help himself and becomes a one-man vigilante force.

At the same time, he puts in an anonymous call to a young CIA analyst, Emma Collins (Dakota Fanning), informing her of a major drug importation ring.

It isn’t long before the CIA is in full operational mode and Emma is receiving further guidance from McCall.

Washington is his usual poised and polished professional self in The Equalizer 3.

He oozes menace and charm as a ruthless assassin frequently underestimated and not to be messed with.

It is all about his calm demeanour and “can do” attitude.

Confident, “yes”, cocky, “no”.

Most noteworthy is a piercing glare that signals he is watching and waiting to strike.

Remo Girone presents as decent and trustworthy as the medic.

Eugenio Mastrandrea is stoic, but understandably shaken, as the policeman in the firing line, with his horrified family watching.

Dakota Fanning plays determined, but wet behind the ears card as the quick on the uptake CIA analyst who spars with and learns from McCall.

There’s always a glint in the eyes of cafe barista Aminah (Gaia Scodellaro) who takes a shine to McCall.

Brothers, Marco Quaranta (Andrea Dodero) and older brother Vincent (Andrea Scarduzio), who runs the operation, are cast as pure evil.

They relish inflicting pain and anguish to achieve their ambition of complete dominance and control of the beautiful Italian coastline.

Be warned, a number of scenes in The Equalizer 3 are particularly vicious and bloody. You may well want to look away at certain points.

In contrast, much of the landscape and cinematography thereof (Robert Richardson is responsible for the latter) is breathtaking – real picture postcard material. I found The Equalizer 3 brutal, but strangely compelling.

Harley’s rating Out Of 5

Average Subculture rating Out Of 5

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