Mr. Right Competition


Thanks to Icon Distribution we are able to launch our brand new Mr. Right competition. First prize is a Mr. Right pack which contains a copy of Mr. Right starring Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell on DVD as well as a replica T-Shirt of the one that Anna Kendrick wears in the film, a replica pair of sunglasses of the ones worn by Anna Kendrick and of a course a clown nose like the one worn by Sam Rockwell. Our runners up will receive a DVD pack containing a copy of Mr. Right, Warm Bodies, What Women Want, Not Suitable For Children, Eagle vs Shark, Wild Target, Scoop and New In Town. To see how to enter this brand new competition just listen to this week’s show and then send the answer to Dave’s question as a private message to either our Facebook or Twitter page.


Mr Right is out now on DVD/Blu-Ray thanks to Icon Distribution.


Mr RightDVD prize pack