[FILM REVIEW] NOPE Review (2022)
Summary: The residents of a lonely gulch in inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery.
Year: 2022
Cinema Release Dates: 11th August 2022 (Australia), 18th August 2022 (Thailand), 12th August 2022 (UK), 22nd July 2022 (USA)
VOD Release Dates: TBA
Country: USA, Japan
Director: Jordan Peele
Screenwriter: Jordan Peele
Cast: Hetty Chang (Hetty Chang), Sophia Coto (Mary Jo Elliott), Keith David (Otis Haywood Sr.), Courtney Elizabeth (Mrs. Dolan), Barbie Ferreira (Nessie), Ryan W. Garcia (Sheriff Reyes), Devon Graye (Ryder Muybridge), Roman Gross (Max Park), Alex Hyde-White (Grizz), Eddie Jemison (Buster), Daniel Kaluuya (OJ Haywood), Pierce Kang (Phoenix Park), Jacob Kim (Young Ricky ‘Jupe’ Park), Jennifer Lafleur (Phyllis Mayberry/Margaret Houston), Lincoln Lambert (Kolton Park), Donna Mills (Bonnie Clayton), Ahmad Muhammed (Pastor John), Terry Notary (Gordy), Keke Palmer (Emerald Haywood), Brandon Perea (Angel Torres), Oz Perkins (Fynn Bachman), Andrew Patrick Ralston (Tom Bogan/Brett Houston), Wrenn Schmidt (Amber Park), Michael Wincott (Antlers Holst), Steven Yuen (Ricky ‘Jupe’ Park)
Running Time: 130 mins
Classification: M (Australia), 15 (UK), R (USA)

David Griffiths’ Nope Review:
It is always a weird feeling as a film journalist when you seem to be out of step with the popular belief. Believe me when it comes to filmmaker Jordan Peele I am well and truly out of step with the belief that the guy is some kind of genius who has completely re-invented the horror genre.
I’ve gone back over his films a few times trying to find something in them that sets them apart from the rest of the field, but alas I still see Get Out as an okay horror that trips itself with poorly-executed political statement and Us is a real mess of a film from start to finish. Even with repeat viewing I don’t see the genre re-invention and I certainly don’t see Peele as the genius many herald him to be.
Now comes Nope, a film which I will admit for the first three-quarters drew me right in and for awhile I started to think that finally Mr Peele had created a film that I was going to thoroughly enjoy but then the last quarter was a total let-down complete with a ‘creature’ that looked like it was made out of the leftover materials from a child’s Art & Craft box. A shame because Nope had the basis to be a creative and interesting supernatural flick.
The film itself centres around the brother and sister duo of OJ (Daniel Kaluuya – Black Panther) and Emerald Haywood (Keke Palmer – Hustlers) who are left to run their father’s Hollywood Horse Ranch after his sad demise in a supposed ‘one-off’ tragic event.
The report says that he was killed by items falling from a plane but OJ is not convinced, and while he is in the middle of considering selling the ranch to former child actor and now Western Theme Park owner, Ricky ‘Jupe’ Park (Steven Yuen – The Walking Dead), he is also watching the skies for any other paranormal events.
Soon those other events begin to happen and this time Emerald experiences them as well. Together they realise they can save the ranch if they can just capture the phenomenon on camera and capture what they call an ‘Oprah shot.’ This then brings the UFO-obsessed, tech store worker Angel (Brandon Perea – The OA) who just won’t take no for an answer into the scheme.
The first three quarters of Nope work exceptionally well. For once I found myself drawn into a universe that Peele had created. I cared about the characters at hand and I found myself curious to find out what was behind the events that were plaguing them. In my head I even found myself congratulating Peele for making the wise decision of making Angel an interesting character rather than going for the traditional Hollywood trope of presenting him to the audience as an unrealistic buffoon just there for cheap laughs.
Likewise the secondary storyline of Jupe being a child actor who had survived a wild animal attack on set was creative while hammering home Peele’s subtext that you can’t ever tame a wild beast and a brief look at Hollywood greed.
But while the first three-quarters of the film hold your interest I found that the last quarter seems to completely unravel. I found that Peele’s subtext and secondary storyline just went completely out the window, what should have been a huge action set-piece that cemented this film in my brain forever was kind of lame while the ‘creature’ reveal was probably one of the biggest disappointments that you will experience in cinema this year. When you consider how amazing the first part of this film was it becomes a real shame that the film just seemed to peter out towards the end.
My big saving grace from this film though is the performance of Keke Palmer. Palmer stills the show with her performance and I’ll admit that there were times during the film where the focus was on OJ and I was wishing we were following what Emerald was doing. That is through no fault of Kaluuya because it is easy to see that Peele’s screenplay called for him to play OJ as a deadpan character, he just happens to be playing alongside an actress that puts in an amazing performance and makes the film her own.
I will say that I enjoyed Nope a lot more than I did Get Out and Us. This time there basis was really there for a film that seemed to be a cross between The X-Files and Signs and I really do feel that if the last act had been as good as the rest of the film I would probably be telling you right now that it is one of the films of the year. Instead though what I will say is that Nope is an okay film but don’t expect to reach the great heights that many of you will expect.
Dave’s rating Out Of 5

Alex First & Peter Krausz’s Nope Review:
Alex’s rating Out Of 5

Peter’s rating Out Of 5

Average Subculture Rating:

Other Subculture Nope Reviews: