Summary: A lonely scholar, on a trip to Istanbul, discovers a Djinn who offers her three wishes in exchange for his freedom.
Year: 2022
Cinema Release Dates: 1st September 2022 (Australia), 27th October 2022 (Thailand), 2nd September 2022 (UK), 26th August 2022 2022 (USA)
VOD Release Dates: Available in all regions now.
Country: Australia, USA
Director: George Miller
Screenwriter: George Miller, Augusta Core
Cast: Anna Adams (Sugar Lump), Peter Bertoni (Jack), Matteo Bocelli (Prince Mustafa), Abel Bond (Enzo), Jack Braddy (Ibrahim), Alyla Browne (Young Alithea), Anne Charleston (Fanny), Arshia Dehghani (Prince Cihangir), Idris Elba (The Djinn), David Collins (Ozmet the Jocular), Sabrina Dhowre Elba (British Council Lady/The Watcher), Megan Gale (Hurrem), Burcu Golgedar (Zefir), Sarah Houbolt (Airport Djinn), Kaan Guldur (Young Murad IV), Lachy Hulme (Sultan Suleiman), Melissa Jefur (Clementine), Aamito Lagum (The Queen Of Sheba), Lianne Mackessy (Emmeline Porter), Khourey Matthew (Blacksmith Ifrit/Persian Soldier), Nicolas Mouawad (King Soloman), Seyithan Ozdemir (Pale Djinn), Botan Ozer (Ali), Berk Ozturk (Semih The Driver/Bazaar Young Shopkeeper), David Paulsen (Yael Da Silva, Scholar Of Narratology), George Shevtsov (The Old Storyteller), Tilda Swinton (Alithea), Zerrin Tekindor (Kosem), Georgiou Thomas (Rustem Pasha), Ogulcan Arman Uslu (Murad IV), Hugo Vella (Young Ibrahim), Erdil Yasaroglu (Prof. Gunhan), Ece Yuksel (Gulten)
Running Time: 108 mins
Classification: M (Australia), G (Thailand), 15 (UK), R (USA)
David Griffiths’s Three Thousand Years Of Longing Review:
Perhaps one of the most mysterious films to be released in 2022 just happens to be director George Miller’s (Mad Max: Fury Road) brand new film – Three Thousand Years Of Longing. The title sounds like it is going to be some kind of thought-provoking arthouse film – but that is something that it certainly. And for once we have a film that even has a trailer that gives away very little about it.
Yes if you are one of those people that feels like nothing matches the magic and suspense that occurs when you know nothing about a film – then this is the film for you. To be honest most people who sit down to watch this fim probably won’t even know what audience it is going to be aimed at – and the fact that it was from George Miller didn’t help in that department – after all this is the man that gave us Babe and Happy Feet but also gave us the legendary Mad Max films.
Take a look at the poster and you will soon see that it features Tilda Swinton (The Beach) and a genie. But is it a family film, is it a dark take on Aladdin?
It turns out the film is certainly not for the kids, the full frontal nudity will attest to that. This instead tells the story of literature expert, Alithea (Swinton), whose expertise revolves around the art of storytelling.
When she travels to Turkey for a conference she finds herself shopping in a Bazaar where she purchases a quaint bottle that has been damaged by fire. When she tries to clean the bottle she suddenly finds her hotel room filled with a gigantic Djinn (Idris Elba – Beast). The Djinn is adamant that she needs to use her three wishes so he can be free but Alithea says she sees how these deals play out and it never works for the person making the wishes.
She demands to know more about him and soon The Djinn is telling Alithea stories from his three thousand years of existence. Stories of love affairs with people like Sheba (Aamito Lagum – Africa’s Next Top Model) and stories of heartbreak and pain that have littered his life to date.
It is ironic that Miller has made a movie about a storyteller because over the years his films have shown hat Miller himself is one of the greatest storytellers in modern day cinema. This is a man that can basically make a car chase an entire film (Mad Max: Fury Road) but also has the expertise to pull off modern day fairy-tales like Babe and Happy Feet – films that while largely based at kids are still loved and adored by adults.
With Three Thousand Years Of Longing Miller sems to be in his element – this is basically a fairy-tale for adults with little stories coming together to make a much larger story. This is a film where the audience will find themselves so intrigued by the story The Djinn is telling that they will find themselves on the edge of their seat like they would during most thrillers. Watching this film is like being a kid on Christmas Eve eagerly listening to a Christmas story, yes there is just something about Miller and co-screenwriter Augusta Gore’s story-telling here that makes you feel like a child again.
Perhaps the most surprising thing about this film is the amount of emotions that Miller and Gore were able to infuse into this film. You could argue that Covid restrictions actually enhanced this film as the fact that most of the film centred around The Djinn and Alithea in a room together somehow makes this film feel even more personal and intimate. There are times in this film when Miller allows the film to become creative and imaginative as The Djinn’s stories take us to exotic lands but even then the stories of love and loss were all things that we could relate and grounds the film in the audience’s heart.
Of course with Swinton and Elba carrying most of this film between them their acting games really step up. Swinton is one of those actresses that many claim not to like but you only to go back and look at films such as We Need To Talk To Kevin to see what an amazing actress she is. Here Swinton is again brilliant as she portrays a character that is tough and stern on the outside but emotional and hurting on the inside. She is well matched by Elba who I found to put in an almost Shakesperian performance as he plays the larger than life Djinn.
There is something amazingly special about Three Thousand Years of Longing. Very few films have captured be the way this film does. The artistic side to the film will limit its audience but this is one film that really does celebrate the brilliant imagination of one of Australia’s greatest filmmakers.
Dave’s rating Out Of 5

Alex First and Peter Krausz’s Three Thousand Years Of Longing Review:
Alex’s rating Out Of 5

Peter’s rating Out Of 5:

Average Subculture rating Out Of 5

Other Subculture Three Thousand Years Of Longing Reviews:
You can read our review of Three Thousand Years Of Longing that appeared in The Phuket News right here – https://www.thephuketnews.com/george-miller-puts-essence-on-show-in-three-thousand-years-of-longing-86509.php