Summary: Archaeologist Indiana Jones races against time to retrieve a legendary artifact that can change the course of history.
Year: 2023
Cinema Release Dates: 28th June 2023 (Australia), 28th June 2023 (Thailand), 28th June 2023 (UK), 30th June 2023 (USA)
VOD Release Dates: TBA
Country: USA
Director: James Mangold
Screenwriter: Jez Butterworth, John-Henry Butterworth, David Koepp, James Mangold
Cast: Karen Allen (Marion), Antonio Banderas (Renaldo), Chase Brown (Larry – Beat Poet Guy), Mauro Cardinali (Maximus), Bharati Doshi (Miss Jaffrey), Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones), Anna Francolini (Mandy), Henry Garrett (Louis – Drunk Airline Pilot), Cris Harris (Marco), Boyd Holbrook (Klaber), Corrado Invernizzi (Luigi – Italian Engineer), Antonio Iorio (Popeye – Lead Scuba Diver), Ethan Isidore (Teddy), Toby Jones (Basil Shaw), Amara Khan (Alia – Sallah’s Granddaughter), Mark Killeen (Pontimus), Thomas Kretschmann (Colonel Weber), Holly Lawton (Young Helena), Adolfo Margiotta (Hector – Salty Diver), Martin McDougall (Durkin), Nasser Memarzia (Archimedes), Mads Mikkelsen (Dr. Voller), Guy Paul (Prof. Plimpton), Ian Porter (Bob – Bartender), Billy Postlethwaite (Prof. Donner), John Rhys-Davies (Sallah), Olivier Richters (Hauke), Douglas Robson (Gunther), Alaa Safi (Rahim), Ali Saleh (Jabari – Sallah’s Grandson), Hariett Slater (Fran), Phoebe Waller-Bridge (Helena), Shaunette Renee Wilson (Mason)
Running Time: 154 mins
Classification: M (Australia), 13 (Thailand), 12A (UK), PG-13 (USA)
Dave Griffiths’ Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Review:
Grab the hat and whip because the man, the legend, Indiana Jones is back in Indiana Jones And The Dial of Destiny. The film itself may have been put on the backburner for some film lovers due to the saturation of ads for Mission Impossible and Barbie but this rightfully should be one of the most eagerly anticipated films of the year.
It is understandable that some film fans will be nervous about what to expect from this film. The first three Indiana Jones movies were masterpieces that saw two of Hollywood filmmaking legends – Steven Spielberg and George Lucas – come together to create a franchise that would ultimately be loved by a generation of movie goers. But then came the ill-fated 2008 re-boot and that has many nervous of what to expect this time around – after all that had Spielberg and Lucas involved and was still hated by true fans.
Now with director James Mangold (Walk The Line) in the director’s chair Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny starts at the end of World War II with Indy (Harrison Ford – Star Wars) working with fellow historian Basil Shaw (Toby Jones – The Hunger Games) to rescue a sacred artifact from the Nazis.
However, they soon discover that they artefact they were after was fake but instead find themselves in possession of something that many say is far more valuable – part of the infamous Archimedes Dial – a device that could for ever change human history.
Flashforward to 1969 and Indy is living a sad existence. His son died in the Vietnam War and he and his wife are separated. He spends his days teaching uninterested students at a university but is also facing an impending retirement.
Things suddenly change though when his God-daughter, Basil’s daughter, Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge – Goodbye Christopher Robin, turns up asking questions about the dial and talking about how trying to solve its mystery had caused her father to go mad before he passed away.
Indy takes Helena to his piece of the dial but as they do they suddenly find themselves being pursued by the CIA and former Nazi turned hero Dr Voller (Mads Mikkelsen – Doctor Strange) who is determined to find all the pieces of the dial and begin a history changing event.
For those that are worried that this going to end up another ordinary Indy film, like 2008’s Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull you can breath a sigh of relief because very early on here you realise that Mangold truly understands the legacy that Spielberg and Lucas set up and does nothing but try to emulate it here.
Once Voller and the CIA come after Indy and Helena the films turns into a non-stop action ride – but more in the old-school style of 1980s films rather than the bigger is better nature of films in the Fast & Furious franchise. Here cars jumping between buildings is replaced by tuk-tuk chases and tense moments in boats revealing that Mangold is a filmmaker that truly understands that sometimes it is the simpler things that often create the most suspense for the audience.
Also key to Dial Of Destiny working is the fact that the characterisation comes to the fore. The screenplay allows for Harrison Ford to play Indy the way that he has been for forty years – gruff with a caring heart. The script also brings more tension to the plot by allowing the audience to see very early on that Helena is a tricky character – while it often appears that she cares for those around here there are other times when all she is thinking about is the mighty dollar. That unpredictability with her means that not only is she an interesting character but again she is a great source for the suspense that is ever present throughout this film.
The film does have some weaknesses – characters like Teddy (Ethann Isidore – Mortel) feel like a waste of screen time while it almost feels criminal to underuse an actor with the talents of Antonio Banderas (The Mask of Zorro) the way this film does. Perhaps the greatest weakness of the film though is one fo the events towards the end of this film. Some fans of the franchise will love it will others may see it as the point that Indiana Jones jumped the shark.
The one thing that can’t be faulted with this film though are the performances. Harrison Ford does not let age slow him down at all and he never misses a beat throughout the film – even the CGI at the start of the film to make him look younger works remarkably well and is believe.
Like Ford Mads Mikkelson relishes his role – and let’s be honest nobody quite plays an evil, menacing role like he does. Once again here he excels. Phoebe Waller-Bridge also does an amazing job in her role. As previously mentioned her character flips between good and bad at will and she handles both sides of her character remarkably well.
Thankfully Indiana Jones And The Dial of Destiny doesn’t fall into the traps that many Hollywood reboots have done over the years. Crazy ideas like a much younger romantic lead opposite Harrison Ford would have sunk this film but thankfully Mangold is the type of filmmaker that honours what the filmmakers before him have done with such an iconic franchise such as this. This film looks and films like it could have been shot in the 1980s and should be enjoyed by those who fell in love with the original films.
David’s rating Out Of 5

Alex First’s Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Review:
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is a fitting tribute to one of the greatest action heroes of the big screen.
The ingredients that made this blockbuster series so watchable are back with a vengeance.
To see Harrison Ford return in one of his most beloved roles is terrific.
He first played Indy in 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark and last donned the fedora in 2008, in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
This time around, technology has allowed him to be de-aged, from the 79-year-old he was when he shot Dial of Destiny, to 37 at the start of the picture.
It is the war years and a nimble-footed Indiana Jones just manages to escape the evil clutches of the Nazis, who have purloined a surfeit of invaluable antiquities.
Much interest lies in an extremely rare artefact known as the Archimedes Dial, a device that purportedly holds the power to locate fissures in time.
Most keen to get his hands on it is Nazi Jürgen Voller (Mads Mikkelsen).
Then we cut to 1969.
Having spent more than a decade teaching at New York’s Hunter College, esteemed professor of archaeology Jones is preparing to retire to his modest apartment.
But everything changes after a surprise visit from his estranged goddaughter Helena Shaw (Phoebe Waller-Bridge).
She is seeking the half of the Archimedes Dial that her father, Basil (Toby Jones), entrusted to Indy years earlier.
An accomplished con-artist, Helena steals the device and makes a swift exit to sell the treasure to the highest bidder.
Left with no choice than to go after her, Indy dusts off his hat and leather jacket for one final ride.
At the same time, Indy’s old nemesis, Voller – now working as a physicist in the US space program – has his own plans for the artefact.
In fact, it is a horrifying scheme that could change the course of world history.
There is a lot to enjoy and appreciate about Indy 2023.
It is so exciting to see Harrison Ford as the action hero – fisticuffs and all – that he was in his prime. He doesn’t put a foot wrong.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge impresses with her “go getting”, if shady persona, never taking a backward step as Helena.
Mads Mikkelsen feels at home as the Nazi supervillain who will stop at nothing to gets his hands on the relic.
John Rhys-Davies makes a welcome return to the franchise, bringing good natured warmth and respect to his re-appearance as doting Indy supporter Sallah.
Toby Jones is noteworthy for his cowardly representation of Indy’s WWII colleague, Basil.
Ethan Issidore makes a good fist of his role as Helena’s agile, nimble fingered young protégé, Teddy.
And it is nice to see Karen Allen back – albeit briefly – as Indy’s wife Marion.
I loved the production design, particularly the attention to detail in the sets and settings.
Notwithstanding some surprising moments though, the film becomes quite convoluted and, at two hours and 34 minutes, Dial of Destiny is bloated.
Prudent pruning would certainly have been in order, to produce an even more compelling finale. Nevertheless, overall, the direction from co-writer James Mangold (Ford v Ferrari) is sound and the film should prove a fan favourite.
Alex’s rating Out Of 5

Harley Woods, Kyle McGrath and Lee Griffiths’ Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Review:
Harley’s rating Out Of 5

Kyle’s rating Out Of 5

Lee’s rating Out Of 5

Average Subculture rating Out Of 5

Other Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Reviews:
You can also read our Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny review that appeared in The Phuket News right here – https://www.thephuketnews.com/indiana-jones-back-in-action-88702.php