Dinosaur movies for kids

Do you have kids that love dinosaurs? Dave G takes a look at the best dinosaur movies. Check out his

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Hollywood Actors Who Started In Soaps

Which Hollywood actors started their careers off as soap actors? Dave G answers that questions as he delivers his Hollywood

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The Success Of Chuck Lorre Productions

Dave Griffiths takes a look at the success of Chuck Lorre Productions in his latest article for Entertainment Scene 360.

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Jason Lee Biography

You probably know him as Earl, but David Griffiths goes behind all that to discover the man behind Earl in

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Actors Who Are Related To Royalty

Many actors are referred to as ‘Hollywood Royalty’ but some are actually related to royalty. David Griffiths takes a look

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Actors Who Turned Down The Role Of James Bond

James Bond – it’s one of the most prestigious film roles on offer yet there have been men who have

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Dane DeHaan Biography

He’s been in some of the biggest films of the year so we thought it was time to have a

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An Overview Of Angelina Jolie’s Career

She’s labelled a pretty face but an overview of Angelina Jolie’s career shows that underneath it all she is a

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An Overview Of Jeremy Renner’s Career

We celebrate Jeremy’s Renner’s status as ‘The Franchise Man’ by producing our overview of Jeremy Renner’s career. To check our

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An Overview Of Jason Statham’s Career

As Jason Statham hits our screens in ‘Homefront” we decided that it was time to do an overview of Jason

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