Kyle McGrath Film Reviews



Kyle McGrath is a life-long film and television fan who has an encyclopedic knowledge of films. Kyle loves all kinds of films but is an expert when it comes to cult cinema and action films. He has also worked as a video game reviewer.

Over the years Kyle has had a number of roles in the media world from a production assistant at Melbourne Channel 31 television station and an executive producer on the popular X-Wired television show. Currently he works not only as a film reviewer for Subculture Entertainment but also for The Popcorn Experience podcast. He also writes reviews for HEAVY Mag and hosts a popular video games podcast for them.

Currently Kyle McGrath has 136 Reviews on Subculture Entertainment

Currently Kyle McGrath features on 95 episodes of The Popcorn Conspiracy

Currently Kyle McGrath has 12 Film Feature articles on Subculture

Currently Kyle McGrath has 31 theatre reviews on Subculture

Currently Kyle McGrath features on 7 episodes of Subculture: The Radio Show