An Overview Of Jason Statham’s Career

Young actors everywhere have the right to be jealous of British hard-man Jason Statham. Film lovers know Statham as one of

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Celebrity Biography: Elizabeth Olsen

Some actresses may feel like they have an uphill battle ahead of them when they decide to head into the

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Actors Who Turned Down Blockbuster Roles

It’s what every young actor dreams of, they are offered a role in a film that looks like it could

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Actresses Who Turned Down Blockbuster Roles

It must be an exciting time for an actress when she is sent a script to read, it must even

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Celebrity Biography: Jason Lee

Actor Jason Lee is one of those performers who has really become known for two of his most iconic roles. Kids (and

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Hollywood Stars Related To Royalty

You hear the term Hollywood royalty bandied around a lot by the tabloids. There are the Kings and Queens, those

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Programs Aired By Chuck Lorre Productions

It’s a nervous time at Chuck Lorre Productions. Yes, the company has some of the most popular television sitcoms of

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Dinosaur Movies For Kids

Children have been fascinated with dinosaurs for years and years. Watch as a school group gets taken into a museum

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Film Stars Who Started Their Careers In Soap Operas

Soap television shows. Yes, they quite often have some very tragic story-lines, terribly clichéd dialogue and some woeful acting, but

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Actors Who Have Played Homosexual Characters

At the moment, award season buzz is centering largely around the magnificent performances of Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto in

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